June 10, 2024

Get to Know the Kits AI Community Voices: Stanley June

Stanley June is a solo rock artist from Johannesburg, South Africa. Learn more about what Kits Earn means for his artistic jouney.

The Kits Team

Stanley June Headshot
Stanley June Headshot
Stanley June Headshot



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Kits AI recently launched our new Kits Earn program, an opportunity for vocalists and artists to make passive income by adding an AI model of their voice to our “Community Voices” library. In our series of interviews to get to know the artists behind the models, we caught up with Stanley June to learn about his project and what excites him as an artist.

If you haven’t already checked his music out, give it a listen here.

An Interview with Stanley June

What kind of music do you make?

The majority of the music I make is rock-focused in some way or another. I've also worked in everything from metal and country to meditation music and children's music.

What are your musical inspirations, and how have you crafted your style over the years?

I grew up on classic rock, with bands like Aerosmith and Meat Loaf, and fell in love with big loud guitar solos and belting theatrical vocals. So I think that has formed a large part of my influence and style over the years. Obviously, music evolves at such a rapid rate that fresh sounds and influences seep in from everywhere. But anything guitar- and vocal-driven will always win in my book.

Have you noticed that your voice works really well in certain contexts? Are there areas that you haven’t explored yourself that you’d be excited to see music-makers explore with your voice?

As much as I always try to push myself and my voice by exploring new things, I have just always felt most comfortable in rock and acoustic singer-songwriter stuff. I am very curious to see what others can do with my voice, maybe pop or even synthwave can be cool.

Do you have any tips for other artists, both for improving your skills and navigating music as a career?

Never stop learning and working on your craft. Seek out other musicians to create, share experiences, and grow with. Music is best enjoyed together.

What’s exciting to you about getting involved in Kits Earn?

The cool thing about music—and being human for that matter—is that we all sound unique, whether it's your voice, the way you play an instrument, or the way you compose music. Combining different and fresh flavors is what keeps music evolving and moving forward. I am excited to be in a position where I can let others 'borrow' my voice and skillsets to create with. Hopefully people create cool stuff with it. And if I can earn a passive income on the side and have people discover my original music through Kits, that's pretty sweet.

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