Artist AI Voice Library FAQ

Kits AI is the only AI voice platform that works directly with artists to train and license their official AI voices.

Artist AI Voice Library FAQ

Kits AI is the only AI voice platform that works directly with artists to train and license their official AI voices.

Q: What are artist voices on Kits.AI?

Kits artist voices are official AI voice models for music trained on official studio vocals from our artist partner community. Users who transform their voice using an artist voice receive a personal-use license but must receive approval from the artist for any commercial release of their derivative song. This system allows for AI artist voice models to be accessible to users while ensuring artists retain control over their commercial likeness.

Q: How do artist voices work on Kits.AI?

When using an AI artist voice, you have a personal-use license over any output. This means you can use the output however you like, but in a non-commercial manner - it cannot be used to make money.

If you would like to receive a commercial license, you must submit your song for approval by the artist on our Tracks tab. The artist will listen to your submission and approve or deny your song for commercial release.

If approved, the artist will work with you on a commercial release and you will be subject to the royalty split terms outlined on that artist’s voice page. When distributing your music, you will be responsible for correctly including the artist’s royalty and likeness information such that they are properly paid and attributed.

It’s important to note: artist voices have a hate-speech termination clause, allowing the artist to terminate the personal or commercial license of any derivatives made in their voice that they disagree with at any time. Please be thoughtful when using the voice of another person.

Q: What AI artist voices are available in the artist voice library on Kits.AI?

We’re always growing our artist voice library. If you’re an artist and interested in having your voice join the library, contact us here.

Q: Why do AI artist voice models come with restrictions on usage?

One of the most exciting things about AI Voice Models is the ability to crowdsource creative content with an artist's voice and likeness. With this opportunity for collaborative upside also comes unique challenges around control and misuse of artist’s voices.

Kits.AI is the only AI voice generation platform that works directly with artists to license their official AI voices. We’ve been able to do so because the personal use → commercial use with approval system allows artists to release the AI voices in a way that keeps them in control over how their likeness is used, while opening up their voice to the masses.

Q: Where can I find a full version of the artist voice license?

You can find the full artist voice license terms here.

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Our free plan lets you see how Kits can help streamline your vocal and audio workflow. When you are ready to take the next step, paid plans start at $9.99 / month.